It was one of those nights that you will always remember, one of those nights that will leave a mark on your memory for many years to come.
It was the first time I had gone to a concert/worship evening where the artist started the night with a Q&A! I know I had spent weeks thinking what I would ask her, and on the actually night all my ideas seemed to fly straight out of my head! Thankfully, I got some of my answers from the other brave souls who could string their thoughts into a sentence…
One of the things she said that really resonated with me was her response to the question of how does she keep her focus on the right thing. And this is what she said:
“Sometimes it’s difficult to have the courage to get up and lead people in worship because sometimes we feel weak but in those moments, when we are weak, He is strong…. And it’s easy when His presence comes.”
“It’s easy when His Presence comes…” Words fail with a statement like that. As a worship leader myself, I have lived this yet in the moments when things are hard, you forget. To know that someone like Kari Jobe also lives and breathes for the presence, and largely depends upon it, was so encouraging.
From the moment she set foot on that stage, you could see she was a passionate lover of Jesus and His presence. In all of her answers, and in all of the songs that she sang, her genuine love for Jesus shone brighter than the amazing lights that surrounded her (and the setup at New Life Church is impressive to say the least!)
We all sang along to old songs and new, from ‘Revelation Song’ and ‘You Are For Me’, to ‘I Am Not Alone’ and ‘Breath on Us’ from her Majestic Tour.
The presence of God was so tangible in that place and there is always something so beautiful about getting together corporately to really worship Jesus.
When she sang ‘Oceans’ the moment was so sweet, and she followed it with another incredible song that was recently released by Bethel’s Amanda Cook, ‘You Make Me Brave’. The crowd sang in total abandon and then she took a moment to pray for anyone who was feeling anxious or fearful, and who wasn’t feeling ‘brave’. Something broke in the spirit last night and there was breakthrough all over the room – you could literally feel it!
As the night drew to a close, you could feel the anticipation for her closing song. It could be none other than ‘Forever’. Being someone who watched the You Tube video of this song countless times, it was, in a way, a dream come true to experience this live.
I am walking away from this night with my heart so full, with a fresh love for Jesus.
I will never forget my night worshiping with Kari Jobe and look forward to having her back in South Africa.
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Some questions from the Q&A
Question: How do you keep your focus?
“Sometimes it’s difficult to have the courage to get up and lead people in worship because sometimes we feel weak but in those moments, when we are weak, He is strong…. And it’s easy when His presence comes.”
Question: How do you stay inspired?
“I spend time in the word and I have to always be grounded I need to always be reading stuff that encourages my spirit. It’s important to surround yourself with people who you do life with and who live Kingdom. I believe God equips us when He calls us. When I feel dry, I go deeper. I get more disciplined in my time and in reading the Word I go even deeper. I look for deeper material to really build me.”
“To get your worship team closer or deeper, it starts with prayer and fasting. You can’t lead people where you haven’t been. It has to happen first in the leadership and then it happens in the body"
Question: What is God doing in worship globally?
“The Spirit of God is the same yesterday, today and forever. And people are responding and people are coming to church hungry, more hungry than ever. People come wanting the Spirit to move. A shift has happened in the last year. Freedom to have the Spirit move has become what people want to see. That is what people are hungry for. We are seeing a modern day revival happening, and it’s not about a church or a bout a person. It’s about the body."
Question: What is the greatest thing God put in your heart this year?
“I have fallen in love. That will go public pretty soon. So, I am not single.”
Question: How do you breath and keep focused when you feel the presence?
“I don’t! In Port Elizabeth I cried all night. I love the presence of God so when I get overwhelmed, just like everyone else, I cry. I love to lead worship and it’s such a privilege for me.”
Thank you for this. It gives a window to those who could not attend. Let's keep pursuing the unified Spirit of worship. Keep up the good work.